Ha. I just found this draft post from last November, and even though it’s incomplete, it’s too good to delete.

Back in 2006, when I was first living a newly single life in my friend Jeff's townhouse, I cooked an entire Thanksgiving dinner for my friends and family. I had never even made one Thanksgiving dish before, but armed with a series of recipes from my culinarily-gifted friend Mary, I spent an entire day cooking, roasting, stuffing, stirring, and basting. I even went so far as to make my own table centerpieces using stalks from a plant I hacked apart behind the neighborhood entrance sign. It was very Martha Stewart (if she was into trespassing instead of insider trading). The dinner was a success, so several weeks ago I suggested to the Log Posse that we have a Thanksgiving dinner where Bobby and I would host and prepare a number of the dishes and the rest of the Posse would provide the rest. When Bobby left, thereby leaving me with ...continue reading.

2010 Shenandoah Mountain 100

Last weekend was the Shenandoah Mountain 100 and, despite plans to bail after Checkpoint 4 in hopes of preserving my legs for cross season, I finished the race in 9 hours and 54 minutes. I did not keep up with Sue Haywood, much to nobody's surprise, and based on her Facebook post in the days following the race ["Legs so sore...next year I'm going to train"], I don't foresee pacing her anytime in the next, well, ever. She's still my local hero, in a totally non-creeper way. I have another hero from that event, though, one who deserves a shout out for her efforts and accomplishments. That would be my friend Nicky, Log Posse member and fellow SM 100 racer. Nicky decided in 2009 that she was going to train throughout 2010 for the SM 100 and do everything she could to finish. She followed through, buying and sticking to ...continue reading.

Because I’ve already spent the past 24 hours talking about this bug.

Yesterday, at an hour early I arrived at Amy's, feeling surly. My Posse friends weren't even near When, look, behold, what's standing here? So green, so cute, so freaking bright Standing on my car, this sight! A bug of some exotic flavor Upon my car bestowed his favor. I was filled with joy and so delighted Surely he had just alighted. No passenger just clinging lightly Would survive me taking turns so tightly. He stood there cleaning his antennae Crap, words that rhyme with this aren't many. I snapped pictures; he seemed so chill Despite a camera up in his grill. After photos, I went inside For all I know, he baked and died. But later on last night his kin Chose my outdoor dinner to drop in. And led to the sharing of this story About a green bug and all his glory. But now I think I'll take ...continue reading.

What An Excellent Year For An Exorcism!

For the past three years, I have begun each new year with a review of how I did with my previous year's resolutions and a discussion of my new resolutions. That sounds boring, so I'm not going to do it. Instead, I'm going to do a quick recap of the past year in list format, which saves me the time and trouble of developing thoughts and connecting them meaningfully in paragraphs. Also, it's probably less tedious for you to read. Things That Sucked in 2009 1. Grandma died. 2. My fiance left me and moved out. 3. I drowned uncomfortably at a job that tried to eat my favorite coworkers after it had chewed me up and spit me out. 4. Scout went blind in one eye, which now glows radioactively whenever it catches the light. 5. I killed every plant I owned this year (four of them). 6. The military ...continue reading.

This is long and somewhat depressing. Enjoy!

Hello there. It's been a few days, a lot has happened, a lot of it has been a crapload of suck, so let's get caught up and back on track with the whole regular posting thing. Kelley Acres Race Report I was going to do a full report on this event, but I procrastinated and then Grandma died, so it went by the wayside. To summarize, I spent the days before this race feeling dread and doom yet again. The Saturday night before, I even broke from my standard pre-race teetotaling and had a beer, and then ate my feelings in the form of fifteen Nutter Butter wafer cookies and three servings of candy corn. It was ugly. The morning of the race was spent agonizing over whether or not to go (including a sobfest in the car after arriving at the venue and registering), until I finally decided I would ...continue reading.