Yesterday, at an hour early
I arrived at Amy’s, feeling surly.
My Posse friends weren’t even near
When, look, behold, what’s standing here?

Bug 1

So green, so cute, so freaking bright
Standing on my car, this sight!
A bug of some exotic flavor
Upon my car bestowed his favor.

Bug 2

I was filled with joy and so delighted
Surely he had just alighted.
No passenger just clinging lightly
Would survive me taking turns so tightly.

Bug 3

He stood there cleaning his antennae
Crap, words that rhyme with this aren’t many.
I snapped pictures; he seemed so chill
Despite a camera up in his grill.

Bug 4

After photos, I went inside
For all I know, he baked and died.
But later on last night his kin
Chose my outdoor dinner to drop in.

And led to the sharing of this story
About a green bug and all his glory.
But now I think I’ll take a breath
This horse is officially beat to death.

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