1. I am getting married in several months.

2. Evidently, I have anxiety regarding racing that has phobia-like qualities.

3. Despite several recent bouts of nice weather, I cannot bring myself to stop using the trainer for all rides.

4. The mice are still alive. They run on their wheel for approximately 75% of each day. The wheel squeaks loudly 100% of the time that it is in use. I am down to 0.01% of my original desire to own mice.

5. I am leaving my current job this Friday and starting a new one on Monday.

6. For the first time in my life as a dog owner, I wished fiercely that I would come home to a pile of poop on the floor today. No luck.

7. These are my new favorite shoes: http://boutique.vanillabicycles.com/product/the-pit-boot

5 thoughts on “Updates that probably warrant their own posts.

  1. congrats on the getting married thing!

    re: the squeaky wheel – I used to have a hamster (illicitly) in my dorm room, and its wheel would squeak all night. Best thing I’ve found is to dip a q-tip in vegetable oil and oil the squeaky part where the wheel and the stand attach. The vegetable oil won’t hurt the mice, and the squeaking will go away for awhile. You might have to re-do it every now and again, as the vegetable oil doesn’t stick around forever, but I’ll take it. Hope that helps!

    1. Marie, I love you.

      I just vegetable oiled the wheel after another night of INSANITY and now there is blissful silence. I’m thrilled. Thank you.

  2. Welcome back, congratulations. This is a major turn of events. Your life never ceases to entertain. Weather has been ridiculous this year, the trainer is probably more consistent 🙂

  3. I’m the opposite, now that I’ve been riding almost every ride outdoors for the last few weeks, I can’t bring myself to watch yet another DVD on the trainer.

    The new carbon road bike might have something to do with that, it’s just not the same feeling on a trainer 🙂

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