This is long and somewhat depressing. Enjoy!

Hello there. It's been a few days, a lot has happened, a lot of it has been a crapload of suck, so let's get caught up and back on track with the whole regular posting thing. Kelley Acres Race Report I was going to do a full report on this event, but I procrastinated and then Grandma died, so it went by the wayside. To summarize, I spent the days before this race feeling dread and doom yet again. The Saturday night before, I even broke from my standard pre-race teetotaling and had a beer, and then ate my feelings in the form of fifteen Nutter Butter wafer cookies and three servings of candy corn. It was ugly. The morning of the race was spent agonizing over whether or not to go (including a sobfest in the car after arriving at the venue and registering), until I finally decided I would ...continue reading.

(5) Days of Summer

When I first left my job, I had big plans for how much fun Bobby and I were going to have together. There was talk of making a list of fifty "must-do" activities, and we planned to make each day our own version of a summer vacation. That didn't happen. There were some good times, but more often than not the days would either creep by in a swamp of apathetic boredom or fly by in a whirlwind of crossing off to-do list items. The lack of money also scared us into trying to be cheap. Once I found a job and had an official start date, though, we got serious and decided to go all out for my last week of not working. Each day was going to have an agenda and we were going to cram as much excitement into that week as two people reasonably could. The ...continue reading.

Postmortem: 2009 Nationals

I've been putting off writing this post since I got back from Colorado because there is so much to say about my trip to Nationals. Since the moment the race was over, I've had mixed feelings about everything, feelings that vacillate from happiness and satisfaction to disappointment and frustration. I thought if I gave it some time, I'd settle on one concluding feeling, but that just doesn't seem to be happening. I left Washington, DC early on Friday morning to fly out to Denver, CO for the race. The week prior had been a lot more stressful than expected; nothing I'd planned for shipping the bike was working out and I ultimately decided on sending the bike by FedEx at the last minute. Packing the bike up was a nightmare - it wouldn't fit in the box, I had to ship it out later than expected, the shipping ended up ...continue reading.

Pops and Pups

I'm going on a road trip this weekend, so I called my parents to ask if they'd watch my dog for me. My mother told me that she was going out of town on a business trip, but that my father would be more than happy to spend the weekend with Kobe. Now, I'll be the first one to say that my father is exceptionally capable, brilliant, loving, and amusing. He was the one who taught me to fish and shoot when I was a little girl, and the one who always drove the exciting car and wore cowboy boots and a matching hat. But he's a dad, not a mom, and certain everyday tasks related to raising children are a mystery to him. I remember one picture day back in elementary school when my mother was out of town; my father spent ages torturing my long, blond hair into ...continue reading.

And the iron fist of justice rests again.

My mother picked me up from work last Friday and drove with me to Philadelphia for the weekend. While we did plan to spend time shopping, bonding, and wandering around the city, my foremost reason for this trip was that silly little trespassing charge I'd mentioned back in October. (Oops.) In order to have that charge dismissed and expunged entirely, I had to attend a three hour behavior class on Saturday morning. The class was more fun than I could ever have imagined. There were probably about two hundred other scholars in attendance, and I believe that at least 80% of them were probably Harvard graduates or at least Yale alums. Most of my classmates seemed to have a minimal understanding of hygiene, as evidenced by the odor in the room that left me wondering if I was at risk for some rare form of lung cancer, but they were ...continue reading.