An Update With No Actual News

Hello there! I haven't written anything of substance here in a long time because I have been busy not giving a crap about maintaining a blog. Funny, that. I typically wait until there is something meaningful to say before breaking long periods of silence here but at this juncture, I don't have anything I'm ready to share just yet. There IS news, it's just not fit for public consumption at the moment. There was this one thing I was going to write a full post about, but never made it past the first paragraph so this will have to suffice: Andrew accidentally lost the dog in the middle of the night last week and I got to spend an hour running through the woods in the darkness wearing pajamas and fuzzy slippers screaming "TANNNNNNNER!" (Weird how that hysteria didn't entice him to come closer.) The slippers came to a soggy death right around the time they sloshed through ...continue reading.

In The Wild

It's my off season from cycling and because rest is challenging, I've been running for fun. Other than the constant joint aches and slight limp, it's great! Highly recommend. I flew out to Colorado last night for a friend's wedding and decided to start today with a nice brisk jog. It went really well for the first minute and then the shooting pains started in my back and I had to revert to an aggressive power walk. It was discouraging - who wants to walk for exercise?! - but then the road turned from pavement to gravel to dirt and my interest was piqued. When I hit a NO TRESPASSING - GOVERNMENT PROPERTY sign, I knew shit was about to get real. My best moments in life have involved prohibitive signage. A little over an hour of hiking and climbing later, I was at the summit. It was incredible. So much beauty and ...continue reading.

This is how it feels to be last at Worlds.

When Richmond was announced as the location for the 2015 Road World Championships, I slapped a RICHMOND 2015 sticker on the wall in front of the trainer as a motivator. It seemed like a long shot, but the thought of competing at Worlds in my home state - I could drive there in less time than it would take to watch a movie - was incomprehensibly awesome. Unfortunately, my dreams were grander than my results in the following years and it looked like I'd be drinking on the sidelines in Richmond. Then the idea of racing the team time trial (TTT) at Worlds came up last fall and my response was something along the lines of HERE TAKE MY ORGANS AND FIRSTBORN KID IN EXCHANGE. It seemed like an actual possibility and I spent many long rides last winter thinking that just maybe I was preparing to compete at Worlds. Things didn't go according to plan this year, though, and more and more it ...continue reading.

Apparently this is life

In looking at this site the other day, I noticed that the page about the dogs has yet to be updated. How do I write Scout out of the plot here? It’s one thing to add a paragraph about Tanner and how he is so wonderful except for the part where I can now touch concrete through over a dozen holes in the bedroom carpet. It’s an entirely different matter to turn everything about Scout into the past tense and then cap his bio off with “…and now he’s dead.” I like to say it that way for the shock value; not for you, but for me. Something about putting it so bluntly makes it feel like bludgeoning myself over the head with a watermelon in a pillowcase. In the days right after he died, I’d say it over and over in different ways like some weird chant. “He’s dead. HE’s ...continue reading.

LinkedIn: Strava for Female Pros

Yesterday was exhausting; a 3:15am alarm woke me in Logan, UT so I could get a 6am flight home out of Salt Lake City. By the time 10pm rolled around, I was cranky, borderline incoherent, and overly emotional about things like the dog wanting to pee on too many shrubs. It was an ideal night for an early bedtime, except that as 11pm came and went, I was on my LinkedIn page updating my profile to more accurately reflect my non-bicycle accomplishments. Or, summarized more honestly: to make it clear that I'M A BAWSS, YO. Frankly, I don't give two shits about LinkedIn. It's like Facebook but even less interesting because people don't overshare or rant inappropriately. I would rather watch my nails grow than review my LinkedIn newsfeed and fewer things elicit less excitement than finding out that a colleague wants to connect online. I hardly even want to connect with ...continue reading.

Putting the super in Superweek

[caption id="attachment_6196" align="alignnone" width="600"] I needed a little break during the race.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6207" align="alignnone" width="600"] Michelle won bourbon bingo at dinner after the Gastown Grand Prix and earned a round of six shots for our table.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6201" align="alignnone" width="600"] These guys keep the pit sexy.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6202" align="alignnone" width="600"] Hanging out at team base before the Giro di Burnaby.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6203" align="alignnone" width="600"] Jessy was envious of my bloody arm, so she got one of her own.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6208" align="alignnone" width="600"] Out for another morning spin with the team. We paint with ALL the colors of the wind.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6206" align="alignnone" width="600"] The team at a pre-crit coffee stop.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6211" align="alignnone" width="600"] It seemed like a fun idea to let my teammate cut my hair before the White Rock crit. Yes, we are standing in front of a salon.[/caption] [caption id="attachment_6200" align="alignnone" width="600"] One final evening at our lovely host house.[/caption] ...continue reading.