The good news is that the mice are safely settled in their new cage and are still very cute.

The bad news is that they smell a little more than anticipated. Three also ran up the sleeve of my bathrobe the other night when I was trying to transfer him to Moose’s cage, and for a minute I panicked because (a) there was a mouse inside my bathrobe and (b) Kobe was watching this process anxiously, waiting for me to drop something edible. The last thing I wanted was my dog tearing around my small condo trying to catch a fleeing mouse that I’m supposed to be protecting. It ended well, though; Three dropped out of my sleeve, fled into the egg carton house, and cowered there all night.

Yesterday morning when I went to make sure nobody had died, Three and Moose were curled up together in a single egg pocket. This morning during the daily Pulse Check, they were snuggled into their bedding inside their newly-purchased mouse hut. It was adorable and I think they’re pleased to be miserably captive together.


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