I’ve finally gotten to the point where my lack of new posts is starting to generate snarky comments, which tells me that something must be done. I was tempted to start this post by saying that I’ve actually been blogging my fingers off lately, and OH MY GOD why were they not properly published on here? What a catastrophe! But this is not high school anymore, and the whole innocent victim of a system error excuse is neither acceptable nor believable. Not that it was back then, but that never stopped me from using it over and over.

But in all seriousness, I haven’t been writing lately because there has been a serious dearth of inspiring events. I mean, I have noticed that both Kobe and I have been pooping more frequently, but I was of the opinion that topics like that fell under the category of Things That Should Not Become Public Knowledge, much like that time a certain friend of mine had a traumatic bathroom incident on a sailboat. This is not to say that life has been boring lately; just that I have not felt that anything was truly worth sharing on the Internet. I firmly believe in maintaining the quality of this website, and that means not writing unless I know what I have to say will be amusing and interesting, as opposed to some insipid garbage about how I had waffles for breakfast and decided to wear socks to work. I’d much rather write quality posts about how my dog’s toes smell like Fritos, and isn’t it wonderful that I can call them “fritoes”?

I do appreciate you stopping by my website, however, and I will do everything I can to actually have new things here for you to read more than once a week. In a perfect world, I’d write something at least once a day, but in a perfect world, you’d also be mailing me $20 bills daily, and we both know that’s just not going to happen anytime soon. Until then, I’ll just promise to do my best. Fair enough?

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