This is one of THOSE posts. No, Mom, not one of those alarming posts where I talk about trying to tie a knot in the end of my rapidly fraying rope. And no, Boss, not one of those fun posts where I divulge pertinent company information. There’s plenty of time for those later.

This is actually going to be a post about poop. I fell asleep early last night after having a few bottles glasses of champagne and neglected to take the dog out before going to bed. About thirty minutes ago, I could feel Kobe shifting around restlessly and, out of motherly guilt, I got up, threw on a sweatshirt, and dragged him outside.

We circled the grassy lot behind my house several times while Kobe peed on every vertical surface, but he refused settle on a spot to poop. So here’s what I don’t understand: he clearly had to go, as (A) we were up in the middle of the night for a reason, and (B) I have known him for his entire life and I just KNOW when he needs to poop. It’s a skill, like knowing when your child is upset or about to throw up. But we walked and we walked and still no poop. And then, when I’d finally had just about enough of the walking, I saw that he was literally starting to go as we’re scampering through the grass. I was like, “Kobe, dude, the train is pulling out of the station. JUST LET IT HAPPEN.” He tried to shrug it off by peeing on a nearby pole, but realized that there was no turning back and finally did his circle, circle, squat, poop.

I don’t understand his objection to going when the urge moves him. He’s clearly not shy, as he’ll often wait until we’re next to a busy intersection/crowd of people/the Pope before deciding to poop. But we can walk for ages and, even though the eye is obviously winking at me, he continues to push off the need to go in favor of walking. I guess he thinks that as soon as he goes, we’re going back inside, which is completely true because I am a bad mother who does not allow him to see sunlight. But regardless, there comes a time in everyone’s life when the turtle is poking its head out and that is TOTALLY the time to put aside all other feelings and just go.

And with that brilliant advice, I wish you a happy Friday.

2 thoughts on “Fighting Forces of Nature

  1. My boyfriend has a small pituful excuse for a dog (ie a Yorkiepoo) and he does the same thing. He will run down the stairs with the poop literally seconds away from falling out and when he gets outside… nothing! He then expects a treat when we get back inside and poops on the ground in front of the door a few minutes later.

  2. You still make an impact at Mason Law.

    I was 1 year ahead of you at GMU. I found your blog through facebook and have been using it as my break-time reading during finals. Its great! Too bad you left! You would have been an incredible asset for the Docket (which I know you were for a while)!

    Best of luck. I think you made the right choice! Cut your losses and go be happy. If only more of us had had that level of courage!

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