This is what you’re missing.

A lot of people who have been reading this blog lately are coming here as a result of a link on the "I've Thought About Dropping Out Of Law School At Least Ten Times Today" group page on Facebook. (If that's you, then Hi! What the hell are you doing away from your damn textbooks? Haven't you heard of the standard bell curve?) As a result, I figured I'd do a little post about what it's like to work at that first real job after college, the real job I finally got nine weeks after leaving law school.I'm not going to delve into too much detail for fear of being dooced, but I will say that I work for a small company that helps other companies secure contracts to do business with the federal government. My experience in this field was minimal, but I bathed the day of my interview ...continue reading.

Just A Few Reasons As To Why I’m Doubting My Choice To Attend Law School

“In class I often have to resist the urge to find a high heel and put it through my eye in hopes of ending the lecture/discussion.” "I've decided that if I leap to my death from the fourth floor of the library, I am going to land on the display case full of rare books. That will show them. And anyway, style points count." “Sitting through that class is like having a screwdriver shoved up your ass.” “Don’t worry, it gets better.... ok I lie, it doesn't.” “This is the 33rd time today I’ve thought about quitting.” “GRRR I swear every time I get a Torts assignment back I think about saying "f*** it I'm done!" Grr. I've thought about dropping out NO LESS than 18 times today.” "I graduate in December and I have to tell myself 17 times a day...'You can't take the bar without a degree, You ...continue reading.

Raise Your Hand If You Also Think I’m Nuts

When I took my leave of absence from law school, I did so long after the tuition refund period had elapsed, meaning that my choice had the potential of being a $7600 decision. I say potential because the Director of Student Academic Affairs informed me that I could petition the university to refund my tuition based on my circumstances, meaning that I could theoretically reverse the significant financial impact of my choice to take a year off.In the past four weeks, I've been preparing to submit my request. Okay, that's a bit of a lie. I've been thinking about it for the past four weeks - I really only took action in the past week, because for the previous three weeks I have been very busy doing nothing. Anyway, I had two letters from medical professionals indicating that I have serious issues, and I took the time to draft a ...continue reading.

How Wonderful!

I just discovered that I've been sending out my resume with my expected date of graduation from Mason Law as 2019, instead of 2010. I know I'm taking some time off, but that's just a bit absurd.

Hard Times Cafe

I made a difficult decision yesterday. Since I started law school, I've been filled with trepidation and doubts, and it has made getting motivated to succeed rather difficult. Truthfully, it has made getting motivated to get out of bed rather difficult. I've also been dealing with a lot of personal issues that have made focusing on school tremendously challenging, and by yesterday morning, I'd lost complete control over everything. It wasn't a particularly pretty sight, so I figured it was time to make some big changes. I called the Director of Student Affairs to discuss my options, and she granted me a meeting at 11:00am yesterday.Within a moment of stepping into her office, I burst into ridiculous tears. I swore to myself that I'd at least get through the whole introduction part, but my facade of bravery crumbled instantly. I already have a terrible cold, so whole crying/sniffling/coughing made for ...continue reading.

Thoughts From A 1L

Shoot For The Moon; If You Miss, You’ll Be Yet Another Tiny Speck In The SkyWhen I first began law school, I was highly motivated and filled with boundless enthusiasm. I purchased multicolored highlighters, commercial study guides, and crisp notepaper with the goal of being a dedicated student who studied on a nightly, no, hourly basis. I bought Mason School of Law paraphernalia, became active on Facebook, and signed up for every club that sounded remotely interesting. And then I just stopped doing anything.I would plan to sit down and dedicate hours to my textbooks, only to stop midway through the first page because I’d realized that it had been minutes since I’d last eaten/flossed/polished my coin collection. Chores that had been languishing on the back burner for months suddenly became urgent and exciting. Who knew that you could actually scrub the wires on the back of the television with ...continue reading.