Because my life isn’t complicated enough, what with the full-time job, the cycling ‘career’, the living alone, the two dogs, and the pseudo-ex-fiance-current-boyfriend-person, I now have a mouse. Actually, as of sometime this afternoon, I will have two mice, and then if nature has its way and the conditions are right, I may have many, many mice. I’ve only included photos of the one I have currently in my possession, but I’m told they’re indistinguishable anyway so it shouldn’t matter.

This is Moose.

Mouse 2

Moose is a deer mouse that was caught in Bobby’s house. Moose will be joined shortly by Three, who was also caught in Bobby’s house. This makes me sad because it means living with me was less preferable to living with rodents. At least they are very cute rodents. Even when I blow-dry my hair, I am not this cute:

Mouse 1

Before you fuss that I am keeping a wild animal in captivity, let me explain. 1) These things are so effing adorable that as soon as I saw a picture of one, they were as good as mine. 2) Mice, when caught in a home, need to be released at least a mile or more away from the home in order to prevent their immediate return. However, if you release a mouse at this time of year with no immediate food or shelter available, it will die. Moose’s fate was either to be released outside the house, at which point he would return and begin the cycle again, or to be released into the frigid wilderness to die. I suggested (begged, really) that he be permitted to join me in my home, and the next thing I know, I’m at Target buying bedding and yogurt drops.

Moose took a shine to Bobby and the two bonded yesterday over Special K flakes and back scratches. I’m a little bitter, considering that Moose has spent his time with me thus far buried in a ball of cotton or quaking in fear. My mother saw him today when she dropped some things off at my house and commented, “He is very cute….except for the tail.” She’s right; I could take or leave that stringy little thing, but I think Moose would prefer that I leave it.

Three was captured at some point late last night, and will join Moose today. Updates will follow.

3 thoughts on “You say pest, I say pets.

  1. we own Face Mice, and learned the hard way… if they both are male.. they will end up fighting… If they both are female.. they should get along just fine.. IF you have one of each… you will have more mice than Disney has in a ver SHORT time 🙂

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