The big news of today was that I started training Aisha. Although the last two weeks have been so full of “learning experiences” that Aisha now thinks her name is AISHANO!, I figured it was about time that she learned to sit, stay, and come on command. So armed with small bits of American cheese, we worked on sitting and staying, but with only minimal success. The thing about Shiba Inus (and I swear this is not an excuse for my incompetence as a trainer) is that they have selective listening skills. For example, if I am brandishing a steak, Kobe will sit, shake, roll over, and do my laundry with only a single command. But if he is not in the mood to listen, say the time I was screaming and crying hysterically for him to COME! COME! as he was sprinting into oncoming traffic on Route 50, he completely ignores me. After one day of training, I can safely say that Aisha exhibits similar tendencies. But there’s still time. And I haven’t even begun to use the taser.

If you’ve noticed that my posts are rather, um, lightweight lately, that is probably because I have made a specific point of doing as little as possible in the past 9 days, which leaves me little to discuss. My job search would probably be going better if I was actually looking and sending out resumes, but I’ve discovered that if I don’t apply for anything, I don’t have to worry about starting work again soon. I’m just really enjoying my time off, as opposed to all those people who absolutely adore getting up too early to spend their days at an unsatisfying job, earning a paltry salary. It has occurred to me that responding, “absolutely nothing” when people ask me what I do for a living does not sound impressive, but I’ve remedied that situation by limiting my social exposure and making certain that I maximize my free time by surfing the Net and watching OC reruns in the comfort of my cave apartment.

At some point, I will grow weary of this lethargic existence, but for now, it’s quite sublime. Besides, I’m like a stay-at-home mom to the puppy, and although that’s not really a marketable resume-padder, it does make for an interesting conversation-stopper. I will run out of money soon (last Thursday), and be forced to rejoin the workforce, but I’ve decided to put that off until I am reduced to gnawing strips of cardboard for nourishment. And, hey, there’s a 20-pound bag of dog food in the pantry that promises at least a week’s worth of delicious chicken-flavored meals, so I’ve still got time.