The boys of XO Communications p/b Cisco are legendary around MABRA – there’s a lot of talent in our region, but when they roll up to a ride or race, you know you’re in for a hard day.

But much like Sears has a softer side, there’s a tender side to the brawn and grit of the men. No, not Tim Brown; he moved away. I’m talking about the women of XO Racing. It started with Monika Sattler at the beginning of 2011, grew when Lindsay Bayer joined a year ago, and continued with the addition of Ky Hunter at the end of 2011. Now we’re gearing up to begin an aggressive season of racing NRC/NCC races with some stops at MABRA events and we’re excited to race hard, work together, and represent our awesome sponsors.

Monika Sattler
Tell us a little about yourself. Originally from Germany, I came to the States to play volleyball in college. After graduation I got into Adventure Racing focusing on 12+ hours races. At the end of 2009, a teammate suggested to start road cycling as cross training for mountain biking. I loved the group rides and when I realized that in April no one showed up anymore because of racing, I started road racing too.
Why did you join XO Racing? I met the XO Communications racers during the group rides and we realized that it was a good fit so it was decided to start a women’s team.
Most memorable race of 2011? One of the most memorable racing weeks of 2011 was Speed Week. It was a week of eye-opening races as well as a team bonding trip with my teammate Lindsay.

Kyleanne Hunter
Tell us a little about yourself. Marine Corps attack helicopter pilot, about to become full-time student.  When not on my bike, I’m probably in the kitchen supporting my eating habit. I think climbing frozen waterfalls is fun, even though I hate being cold. I filled up four passports with travel for work, which is much less sexy than it sounds.
Any cycling idols? I don’t tend to idolize people, however I have always had an incredible amount of respect for Kristin Armstrong. Because of her success, despite illness and adversity, and how she gives back to the women’s cycling community.
Why did you join XO Racing? Wanted to ride on a nationally-focused team.  And support my teammates. [Editor’s note: And have a cool jersey to wear when being a bad-ass in the ER after a rough crash.]
What’s it like to ride on male-dominated team? I’ve always been in a male-dominated workplace, so I’m used to not being in the majority.  Hopefully our results can begin to speak for ourselves and though we’re small in number we can be a force to be reckoned with.
Most memorable race of 2011? Winning Tour of Syracuse and the Sprinter’s Jersey at Bennington Race Weekend.

Lindsay Bayer
Tell us a little about yourself. I started as a cross-country mountain biker and fell into a career  in road racing (somewhat literally, in fact). In my spare time, I manage the preparation of government proposals for federal contractors. It isn’t pretty, but Rapha doesn’t pay for itself. I’m addicted to lattes, black shirts, eating, and anxiety.
Any cycling idols? Alison Dunlap because she’s my coach and incredibly talented and successful, Laura Van Gilder because she is a phenomenally smart racer and the nicest person, and Willow Koerber because she’s nuts and gifted all at once. I also like Ted King because he looks like the kind of guy who would bring a girl daisies wrapped in brown paper. I hear he rides bikes, too.
Why did you join XO Racing? I liked the idea of riding as part of a really strong team; it makes me want to train and race harder so I can earn my place and represent the team and sponsors well. The kits also looked cool, other than that year the guys wore white shorts.
What’s it like to ride on male-dominated team? I like the intensity the guys bring to the table. They don’t talk about girly things like team sleepovers and how happy they are to have each other. Oh, wait, actually they do.
Most memorable race of 2011? Battenkill. A twelve-mile solo breakaway to the finish provides a lengthy opportunity to examine how bad you want it and how much pain you’re willing to endure to get it. Finishing and then seeing Monika ride in on her own solo breakaway to take second was a great day.

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