My day began with the 10am Sunday ride. Apparently Russ L. has been hiking in the Shenandoah Mountains recently (hiking? isn’t that something cyclists do only when stranded with a flat?), so he was less inclined to tear my legs off on the hills of Maryland. That was nice, except for the part where other people (Eli!) did that instead. (Don’t let his perfectly-combed hair fool you; beneath that lies a savage animal waiting to strike when you’re down.) I resisted becoming a droplet [drop*let n. one who has been dropped] and finished the ride feeling like I’d suffered sufficiently to earn a day of standing in a field, drinking and watching other people suffer.

Which brings me to DCCX. To all of you who raced, please accept my warmest expression of gratitude. Without you and your insane willingness to run up hills and leap over barriers while carrying your bicycle, I would not have had such a lovely canvas on which to paint my Sunday afternoon. And what a delightful afternoon it was:

The SEAVS tent was the focal point of my festivities. To the Schlecks: Move aside. Mark and Scott are the coolest brothers in cycling.


A good time heckling was had by all. Well, mostly all. Then there's that straggler on the right...evidently he's the strong, silent type.


The cake I brought was a hit, but the highlight was when I spotted The Resident Pro finishing it off. If he's able to eat cake and still win stages, it should be a lesson to us all: Winners have their cake and actually eat it, too.

After trying a full season of cross in 2008 and dabbling in it briefly in 2009 and 2010, I can now say with certainty that the best way to approach cross is to let other people do the racing. Next up? Ed Sander. You bring your “A” game; I’ll bring the chocolate fountain.

3 thoughts on “The Best Way To Win At DCCX Was From The Sidelines

  1. If you bring a chocolate fountain – let’s just say – I’d be quite, quite excited 🙂 (esp. since while I let the small child with a unicycle have some, I still managed to not score myself a piece!)

  2. Awww thanks for your kind words I am blushing and we loved hanging out with you too…we miss you, and we would love to have you join us at ed sanders!!! xo Scott

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