Are you familiar with the Hunger Games? If not, climb out from under your rock, take a second to do some Googling, and come back. Also, Michael Jackson passed away. Sorry to break the news.

I thought the Nature Valley Pro Chase would have an element of Hunger Games-esque drama. After all, many of us are here because we want to ride as professionals, there are only so many spots to go around, and this is a race. It’s a recipe for wanting to kill and eat your competition, especially because we are cyclists and we eat everything (and then put on spandex and stress about being fat). Before I came here, I was worried about how it would be to live with the other pro chase qualifiers while calling them teammates.

It turns out that those concerns were unnecessary. The other women on my team are funny, smart, interesting, and talented, and it already feels like we’re one big happy, hungry, inappropriate family (today’s theme was “that’s what SHE said”). We all want to do well in these races, but I’ve quickly realized that we all want each other to do well too. The racing starts tomorrow and, while I’m as nervous as always, it feels like I’m not alone marching into battle. I have a wonderful director, a helpful support staff, and six other women in identical green kits that will make the experience a million times richer and more enjoyable with their presence.

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