The Race: Black Hills Circuit Race
The Course: 10 laps a of 1.5 mile circuit
The Field: 1/2/3/4 Women
The Finish: 2nd

I never understood why people would say, “I won the field sprint!”

“Oh, so you won?”

“Well, no, but I won the field sprint.”

That seemed like boasting that I was the first person to cross the line wearing orange. But after yesterday’s race, I totally get it. I came in second at Black Hills, but I won the field sprint! Let’s just focus on that part.

There were two goals for the day: help my teammate Ky earn upgrade points and remember how to race. It had been exactly six months since my last race and in that time, I’d forgotten how to do things like pack for races, warm up in a structured manner, and wait calmly on the start line while not struggling to hold back tears of fear and pee. (The latter is still a work in progress. Anxiety and I are in a long-term relationship.)

The first few laps of the race were uneventful, except for the part where Ky’s bottom bracket made terrible sounds and then her crank arm fell off on the climb. That made pedaling difficult and she had no choice but to DNF. I was left alone like a sad snowman in the desert or whatever and then the ABRT riders laid down an attack that made my legs hurt. Before I’d recovered from that, one of them went again hard. I don’t remember exactly how it happened – some combination on my part of hesitation, not committing 100% to the chase, and being tired – but the gap grew quickly and then was too much to close. A few other racers attempted briefly to chase, but it was too late and I wasn’t willing to gamble my finish on a long, exhausting bridge effort.

Then it was three, two, one lap to go and I was sitting around fifth wheel heading into the final stretch. I was debating about when to start my sprint when the riders behind me went for it, swarming into the lane opened by the end of the center line rule. I thought I was trapped behind the racers in front of me until I saw a small gap open and went for it. That effort was enough to win me the field sprint and consequently provide the opportunity to join the ranks of those racers who gloss over the accomplishments of the breakaway artists to relish their moment of triumph over the writhing masses.

Then I stood around in the non-rain wearing my rain boots. These, in conjunction with my creative post-race clothing and aggressive gnawing on protein balls (yeah I said balls, whatever, balls balls balls I eat balls let’s get this over with now), earned me a photo just so I could appreciate the look I was inflicting on others.
And now the racing season has officially begun.

6 thoughts on “In the words of my race videographer, “winning at second place”

    1. Those aren’t capris…those are knee warmers, which is infinitely hotter. When I sat down, strips of pasty white thigh between the tops of the warmers and the bottom of the shorts peeked out. SEXY TIME.

  1. yeah that outfit is a hot mess.

    i also like protein balls… prefer the powerbar ones over the gu though.

  2. Your sense of fashion is impeccable…and you’re a darned good bike racer, too! Congratulations on winning second in just your first race of the year. You are off to a great start…way to go Lindsay!

    Seriously, I love the look…the gray rain boots contrast brilliantly with the black shorts, shades, knee warmers, and warm-up jacket…I see a career as a maverick fashion designer in your future 🙂

  3. That’s my girl! Love the new look….sort of sporty in a “let’s plow the back forty” and “warm up to do forty more” look. Way to go on the first race of the season.

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