I got so tired of looking at celebrity gossip websites at work that I had to take a break about twenty minutes ago. After a short stroll around the block, I came back inside my building and went through the lobby to the bank of elevators. When the first one opened, I boarded immediately following another woman without even looking to see if the elevator was going up or down. It wasn’t until I reached over to press the button for the fifth floor that I noticed that she had already pressed the button for the second level of the basement. Resigned to the fact that I had stupidly boarded an elevator that was going down, I leaned back against the wall to wait out the detour.

But then the elevator went up instead of down, and stopped at the fifth floor first. This wasn’t alarming at all – many times, elevators going up will randomly open their doors in the lobby, and apparently this had been one of them. As I stepped off the elevator and watched the doors close, though, I heard the woman on board yell after me, “SO RUDE!”

Of course she did. Because it was MY fault the elevator went to my floor instead of hers. Because I climbed into the elevator gears and FORCED the elevator to go up instead of down. Because the elevator decided to ask me to prom instead of her. BECAUSE I AM A RUDE, RUDE PERSON.