This job description is taken from a resume that I formatted as part of the project from hell described in the last post. I have not altered the entry in any way, nor removed any part of the job description.

POSITION: Administrative Assistant
DATE: 1999 – 2001
LOCATION: Arlington, VA
Directly accountable for the enforcement of the criminal laws of the United States and associated state/local jurisdictions. Responsible for ensuring protection of national security sites and classified assets, the safety and security of all persons assigned to and visiting the Pentagon, and all owned/leased DoD buildings in the National Capital Region.

If he is just the assistant, I wonder what his boss does all day?

3 thoughts on “God

  1. MASTER OF THE UNIVERSE. GOD OF ALL THINGS. PERSONALLY RESPONSIBLE FOR THE SAFETY OF HIS ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT. Thank the lord for those two. I guess I have him to thank for my personal safety, don’t I? What a humble guy, too…

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