I’m losing my edge.

I stepped into my coworker's office and breezily asked, "I'm going to get some strippers and some hos. Can I get you anything?""So you're going to 7-Eleven," she responded without hesitation. "Would you mind getting me a Diet Coke?"Upon my return, another coworker remarked, "A Nerds Rope. How adult of you."

Cereal Killer

I left the house earlier than usual this morning, in hopes of catching more than my normal share of rush hour traffic and still arriving to work at the same time. As predicted, my plan worked perfectly - I left the home thirty minutes early and arrived at my desk only four minutes ahead of schedule. Success!Because my drive took substantially longer than usual, my stomach started rumbling prematurely out of lust for the box of cereal that was tucked into my laptop bag. I generally wait until I'm at my desk to have breakfast, but today I succumbed by the time I hit the off-ramp from 495. This particular cereal was a new, exciting variety that I'd never tried before (Rice Krispies with Strawberries) and I ripped open the box and dug in.It took only a moment to realize that eating Rice Krispies with your hands while driving isn't ...continue reading.

The President of Overshare

One of my coworkers is a bit on the quirky side. She's a single older woman who considers her two dogs to be her children, and while I'm all for loving your pets like family, she takes it to a level of alarming obsession. Even that would be fine, however, if it weren't for her mistaken impression that I am interested in graphic updates on the health of her pets. I can deal with hearing about her trips to the canine cardiologist or learning that her dog has a food allergy, but when she catches me off guard with a particularly disgusting story, I draw the line.Example 1: Walking Down The Hallway To The Office, Eating My Breakfast.Me: "Good morning. How are you?"Her: "Well, I'm okay, but Dog #1 isn't doing so well. He hasn't really been eating, and although his first poop today was okay, the second one was ...continue reading.

Happy Valentine’s Day

A few years ago, this hideous image showed up in my email inbox at work. My coworker hated this picture instantly and said that it completely creeped her out, so naturally, I waited until she was out of her office, made forty copies of it, and taped them all over her cubicle. It was awesome - I've never been so pleased with a decorating job. I'm certain she enjoyed it thoroughly as well. So this one's for you, Mel, and everyone else out there who needs a little love today; I give you Man-Dog. Snuggle up. Feel the love.

Three Minutes To Becoming A Dumber You

Lindsay: "Your cologne smells like fresh dirt."Coworker: "What?" Sniffs himself.Lindsay: "Dirt. Like, fresh earth. And maybe corn on the cob."Coworker: "It does not!"Lindsay: "Yes, it really does. It's not a bad smell. But it really does smell a lot like an ear of corn that has just had its husks removed."Coworker: "What are you talking about?" Lengthy discussion about corn on the cob ensues. Coworker admits to being unclear as to what constitutes corn on the cob. Discussion ends. "I still don't think it smells anything like corn."Lindsay: "Obviously, you're not well-acquainted with the smell of freshly shucked corn."

Dear Other Coworker,

We are a small company. There are fewer than ten of us in the office, which means that the addition of my presence last month should have been somewhat noticeable. I see you at least every other day, we've sat in a luncheon together, and been introduced twice. I think you should know who I am.But for some reason, you don't. When you see me around work, you get a blank look on your face, as if I'm perhaps just stopping by to sell something. I get the impression that if we were alone together in the office at night, you'd call security because you thought I was an unauthorized intruder.As a result, I have been drinking the cans of Diet Mountain Dew that you keep in the office refrigerator. I generally prefer my Diet Mountain Dew in bottles because I think it tastes better, but the added sweetness of ...continue reading.