Caitlin, while discussing my new position: “Except you’re not doing ten things. You’re doing one thing, and about 10,000 of it.”

Jeff, during a conversation regarding ideal jobs: “I want a job where all I do is look for the Loch Ness Monster all day.”

My pseudo-supervisor: “You poor thing. I hope you like boring jobs.”

Three other people I met today at work said some variation of the following: “You’re doing transfers? Well, that’s certainly boring.

Caitlin, after buying me a shamrock cookie for dessert at Wegmans, and BEFORE sticking her grubby finger into the gorgeous green frosting: “Oops, I smushed your frosting.”

Anonymous person, in the ladies’ room: “I have to think about cheese when I need to pee under pressure.”

Me (loudly), in regards to the unattractively clad child standing directly in front of me with her mother at Wegmans: “WHOA.”

Caitlin, discovering static electricity after allowing me to rub the inflatable “thundersticks” on her head at the Wizards’ game: