I’ve been having fantastically good luck lately. I know, you’d tend to believe otherwise: after all, I’m unemployed, on anti-depressants, and wearing the same clothes that I’ve been wearing for the past three days. But for some odd reason, I feel spectacular. It’s not just a passing thing either; I’ve felt great for over a week now. And things have really been going my way: I got free parking at Mason the other day after losing my parking garage ticket, and today I actually got a spot in the first row of the parking lot. This may seem like chump change to those of you unfamiliar with Mason, but let me assure you; generally you need a donkey and a day’s supply of water to hike from the parking lot to your class. It doesn’t matter where your class is – you could be majoring in asphalt and have class physically in the parking lot, and you would still inevitably be forced to park three miles from your class. Needless to say, I actually cheered (loudly/visibly) when I scored that spot.

I’m easily amused, but I suppose that’s better than being hard to please.