Reasons I Am Delighted By Life:

1. Colavita. For the win! Like a boss!
2. M Coupe. This car is the shit. I’ve never really understood that expression, but that doesn’t stop me from using it. I recently learned a new term: contronym. This term is used to refer to “words that, by some freak of language evolution, are their own antonyms.” I think ‘the shit’ qualifies and thus that elevates it from common slang to linguistic art.
3. Sausage. One of my new team sponsors happens to be the maker of the chicken apple sausage I have eaten every day for the past eight months. I don’t know about fate, but I do know about sausage.

Reasons I Just Poured A Very Reasonable Serving Of 12-Year Old Irish Whiskey:

1. Work. I love my job and my company, but I have a lot of concurrent projects at the moment and they are making my head want to explode. Also, sometimes the cycling/work balance makes me panic a little and today is one of those days. Life would be so much easier if I could somehow outsource things like sleeping and bathing. Except that I love showers and have often remarked towards the end of a 25+ minute washstravaganza, “It would be awesome if I could get paid to do this!” And I probably can, but I don’t think working with webcam sites would do much for my resume or my Sunday dinners with the parents.
2. My ex-ish-husband just informed me that he’s living with his girlfriend. This is fine, really, and the adult in me is happy for them. The non-adult in me wants to barf just a little. In a totally mature, supportive way. Housewarming snake deliveries are a thing, right?
3. Cake. We can put people on the moon and instantly send videos of toddlers to people all around the world, but we have not yet invented a tasty, fat-free, calorie-free, chemical-free cake. WHY.

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